Marketbob – Multi-Vendor Digital Marketplace Installtion Documentation


Marketbob is a powerful PHP script designed to create a dynamic and multi-vendor digital Products Selling marketplace website. This script provides a comprehensive platform where Developers can register, upload, and sell their digital products, including WordPress Themes, plugins, PHP scripts, graphics,Html many More.

1. Server Requirements

  • PHP 8.2x
  • Operating System : Linux or Windows
  • Shared, VPS or Dedicated Server
  • MySql: 5.7+

2. Required Upgrades

Those settings to upload 1GB file, you need to change them besides on your needs and your server specifications.

  • allow_url_fopen = on
  • max_execution_time = 600
  • max_input_time = 600
  • post_max_size = 1G
  • memory_limit = 1024M
  • upload_max_filesize = 1G

3. PHP Extensions

  • BCMath
  • Ctype
  • Fileinfo
  • JSON
  • Mbstring
  • OpenSSL
  • PDO
  • pdo_mysql
  • Tokenizer
  • XML
  • cURL
  • zip
  • GD


How to Create Database

4. Database

4.1 Login to your server and click MYSQL DATABASE



4.2 Enter Database Name And Click Create



4.3 Enter Your Details And Click Create Database



4.4 Choose Database Name And Database User Then Click Add



4.5 Choose All privileges then click make changes


5. Script File

First download the files from CodeCanyon and extract them in your computer/Mobile.

You will upload only a file with the name

  • Go to your server file manager
  • Open your directory then click on upload

  • Click select file then choose the
  • Choose then click extract
  • Click extract file(s) then open your website URL


Important !

if your website URL cannot open or you see Error with code 500 or 403, its coming from your server side, please contact your server support, or check your server logs to know where is the problem.

6. Installation

  • Make sure all the requirements are enabled, if its disabled please enable it or contact your server support
  • All those files must have a 0775 permission.
  • Enter your purchase code and click continue.

Where is My purchase Code?

  • Enter your database details and click continue.
  • Click import database file.


Note !

Some servers is disabling this option or they have a problem on mysql database if you get any problem or 500 Server Error please use manual import to import your database.

  • Set your website details and admin details then click finish.

