Live Deals for WooCommerce Installtion Documentation

  • Introduction

Elevate your website with the Live Deals Display plugin, a powerful tool designed to showcase real-time deals and promotions directly on your site. Keep your visitors engaged and drive conversions by highlighting the latest offers, discounts, and flash sales in a dynamic and visually appealing format.


  • How it Works

  1. Purchase the plugin
  2. Install the plugin on your website

Plugin Installation

– Log into your WordPress dashboard
– Navigate to Plugins > Add New

– Click on the “Upload Plugin” button and select

– Click Install Now

-Click Activate


Check “Live Deals” tab from the admin dashboard to create a new popup
with the current deals.
– Enable : enable the popup to be displayed on your website.
– Add products : select from your products which one to be available in
the pop-up.